49 Resurrector, 50 Witness, 51 Truth

  1. Al-Ba’ith: The Resurrector

Symbol:        A dead branch beginning to bloom

God says, “Believe in Me and you shall never die the great death.”

Dear God, You are The Resurrector,

You turn death into new life,

And failure into success.

This is the Paschal Mystery of Your Son, Jesus.

Today You raise my mind and heart to new life;

Someday You will raise my very body to new life.

You are the Resurrection and the Life,

All who live in You, even if they die,

You will raise up to a new and heavenly life with You.

Every winter turning into spring promises resurrection.

Thank You for making death a new beginning, not an end.

I am sorry for my doubts and fears of death.

Help me experience You constantly turning death into new life.


  1. Al-Shahid: The Witness

Symbol:        A person in a witness stand

God says, “I bear witness to the light within you.”

Dear God, You are The Witness.

You alone experience everything all at once.

As observer, You experience everything from the outside.

As sustainer and participant, You experience everything from within.

You witness the flow of reality with incredible compassion.

You are always a witness for my defense.

You understand the deep motives behind my actions,

And the pressures that push me this way and that.

Your loving testimony helps me think better of myself

And then try to become the person You believe me to be.

Thank You for being an honest and true witness.

I am sorry for not always seeing myself correctly.

Help me be a witness to Your goodness.


  1. Al-Haqq: The Truth, The True

Symbol:        A compass

God says, “Live in My truth.”

Dear God, You are The Truth and The True.

You do not merely speak the truth.

You are the Truth, the Way, and the Life.

You are the Light that dispels the darkness of lies.

Lies enslave me. The truth sets me free.

A true person speaks, lives, and does the Truth.

To be true is also to be all one is supposed to be.

I am supposed to become one with You.

This is the Truth I journey towards.

Thank You for never deceiving me.

I am sorry for the times I have been untrue.

Help me be true to myself and true to You.