Tag Archives: Lent

Believe a Lot, Know Little (2/13/16)

This Lent I am praying over Matthew Kelly’s book, Rediscover Jesus, a chapter a day. I must confess that the more I have read and thought about Jesus over the years, the less I understand who he is. Even though the Gospels are really not historical documents, I still believe that the “real,” “historical” Jesus was very much like the man described in those Gospels, whether or not he actually said and did the things in those books. I believe he was far more radical than most Christians today are willing to believe.

I also believe that when the time was ripe about two thousand years ago, the presence of God immanent in matter budded forth as a human being who was both human and divine. Matter having crossed the gap to divinity, in Jesus we are all invited to become divine.


This week is the last installment to the “99 Beautiful Names of God” pages. You might take a look.

Buddhist Lent and Busy Lives (2/14/14)

Visit “Buddhist Lent” in the Specials section to learn how a Buddhist monk would compare his Lenten time with Christian Lent.

Today, St. Valentine’s Day, reminds us to put love first in our life. Next Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, reminds us to “repent,” which means become a new, love-centered, person. If we choose to “give up” something during the forty days of Lent, perhaps it should be something that keeps us from loving.

Our lives are so busy. We often keep adding commitments and activities to our already over-extended days. Perhaps this Lent could be one of dropping some activities from our life, which would allow more time to pray for those we love. Or at least we could give up some activity each time we add another new one. What’s going to drop? Some busyness? Or you?

Next week I begin to grow obsolete, a mouse is lost, and we pray about Christmas.